I Help Professionals Achieve Their Independence From Dead-End Jobs.
Do you feel like your career path is on a blind curve that might be leading you to a dead-end stop sign?
Hi, my name is John Randall and I help ambitious professionals, like engineers, grab control of their own career track.
If you're interested in getting more out of your time in this life - on your own terms - click the yellow button below, "Free Case Study", to learn more ...
Since 1981, thousands have gained from my real world insights*.
Sent to work from home by your employer? Starting to lose your connections in the office and marketplace? Wondering about your "career"?
If you said "Yes!" to each of these questions, you might find it useful to consider the four unique blog papers on this web site - and then the Free Case Study. You might find it useful to talk with me, John C. Randall, on the phone for a few minutes - I still actually talk with people and am not A.I. Use my voice mail to leave your name and number to help me sort your call out from robo calls. Also, you can just use the phone converstation scheduling tool on the Contact web page of this web site. First come first serve for the FREE, no obligation, initial conversation, so do not delay.